March 6, 2025: Congratulations! Jackson has successfully defended his PhD dissertation defense.
January 15, 2025: We welcome a new PhD student, Nishat Tasnim, to the Jang Lab!
January 5, 2025: We welcome new UG researchers, Ana and Tara to the Jang Lab!
December 6, 2024: Dr. Jang gives an invited talk at the University of Delaware, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.
November 15, 2024: We welcome a new PhD student, Celine Xu, to the Jang Lab!
November 15, 2024: Congratulations! Bornita is awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Merit from the International Center! This recognition will be presented during the International Student Achievement Awards ceremony on Tuesday, November 19th.
October 21, 2024: Congratulations! Dr. Jang is selected to the Alex Moreno Rising Star Professorship in Chemical Engineering for three years! This is an honorable recognition of our research achievements and potential.
September 20, 2024: Congratulations! Jooyong wins the Outstanding Poster Award at the Society of Biomaterials, Regional Meeting, at Georgia Tech in Atlanta.
August 1, 2024: Congratulations! Jooyong’s work has been accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules. Also, he published his collaboration work with Sampath group in Materials Advances.
August 1, 2024: We welcome a new master student, Emma Thomas, to the Jang Lab!
May 27, 2024: Dr. Jang gives an invited talk at World Biomaterials Congress.
May 9, 2024: Dr. Jang gives invited talks at Korea University and KIST.
April 3, 2024: Congratulations! Jooyong’s work has been accepted for publication in RSC Materials Advances.
March 25, 2024: Adriana gives a poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, sponsored by the University Research Scholarship.
January 19, 2024: Dr. Jang gives an invited seminar at the UF Health Cancer Center.
January 16, 2024: Dr. Jang gives an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UF.
January 3, 2024: Welcome new undergraduate students, Cullen, Shadia, Kensuke, and Webley, to the Jang Lab!
November 14, 2024: Congratulations! Jackson’s review paper has been accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules for a special issue “Functional Compartmentalized Polymeric Systems – In Honor of Wolfgang Meier”.
September 14, 2023: Congratulations! Adriana receives the 2023 University Scholars Program Award!
September 13, 2023: Congratulations! Jooyong wins the best oral presentation award and Bornita wins the best poster presentation award at GRACE symposium 2023.
July 12, 2023: Congratulations! Jooyong’s paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Yeongseon is highlighted as an Emerging Junior Investigator!
May 27, 2023: Welcome REU students (Emma McDougal and Jordan Schlautman-Sudik) joining to the Jang Lab.
April 15, 2023: Congratulations! Jackson’s paper has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter.
March 3, 2023: Congratulations! Jooyong passes an oral qualifying exam for Ph.D. candidacy!
January 19, 2023: Dr. Jang gives an invited seminar virtually at the University of South Florida for the TCOP graduate seminar.
January 12, 2023: Congratulations! Lizzie’s review paper has been accepted for publication in Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering.
January 3, 2023: We welcome a new undergraduate student, Joey, joining the Jang Lab!
November 14, 2022: Dr. Jang gives an invited talk at the 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting.
September 8, 2022: Congratulations! Jackson receives the Chemical Engineering Ph.D. mentoring award!
August 24, 2022: Congratulations! Sean receives the 2022 University Scholars Program Award!
August 25, 2022: We welcome a new Undergraduate Student, Adriana, to join the Jang Lab!
August 17-18, 2022: Dr. Jang gives an invited talk and serves as a session chair at UKC 2022.
August 5, 2022: Congratulations! Elizaveta is awarded from the UF ChE REU Site!
May 30, 2022: We welcome an REU student (Elizaveta Radkevich) from Virginia Tech this summer!
March 15, 2022: Congratulations! Jooyong, Blair, and Ting’s work on the review paper has been published in Biomacromolecules.
March 11, 2022: Dr. Jang gives an invited seminar virtually at Univ. Conn. in Polymer Program, Materials Science.
March 2, 2022: Dr. Jang gives an invited seminar at MIT PPSM (Program in Polymer Science and Soft Matter).
January 05, 2022: We welcome a new Ph.D. student (Bornita) to join the Jang Lab!
December 17, 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Tan on his graduation!
September 1, 2021: We welcome a new master’s student (Lizzie) to join the Jang Lab!
August 23, 2021: We welcome new undergraduate students (Ryan, Macs, Imran, and Sean) to join the Jang Lab!
August 2021: Dr. Jang receives an NSF grant to develop synthetic cells using sensor fusion proteins! This project will be conducted by collaboration with Dr. Denard (UF, ChE) and Dr. Hong (IIT, ChE). See news:
June 1, 2021: We welcome an REU student (Tiffany Jeng) from Georgia Tech this summer!
May 15, 2021: We welcome a new Ph.D. student (Jooyong Shin) to the lab!
April 7, 2021: Dr. Jang receives a KIChE President Young Investigator Award. Congratulations! See news:
March 17, 2021: Dr. Jang receives an NSF CAREER Award! The Jang Lab works on engineering self-assembly of recombinant fusion proteins for bottom-up construction of protein-powered synthetic protocols. See news:
January 3, 2021: We welcome a UG student (Noah Pruitt) to the lab! He works with Ruwen and Nick to investigate our antibacterial surfaces against different types of bacterial strains.
December 17, 2020: Dr. Jang gives an invited talk at UKC 2020 virtual meeting.
November 23, 2020: Congratulations! Ruwen and Nick’s work has been published online in ACS Applied Polymer Materials!
November 16-20, 2020: Dr. Jang gives an invited talk at the 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting in “Emerging Junior Investigator Open Innovation Forum”, and also serves as the session chair for Biomolecules at Interface I & II (Interfacial Phenomena 01C) and Biopolymers (Materials Engineering and Science Division (08).
October 30, 2020: Congratulations! Ruwen won Honorable Mention (Second Place), GRACE Symposium 2020 Awards!
October 9, 2020: Congratulations! Ruwen won the best nano-image in the image contest for UF Nano Day 2020. See it in our scientific gallery 🙂
September 30, 2020: We welcome a Ph.D. student (Jackson Powers) to the Lab! Also, welcome back Julio 🙂
September 21, 2020: Congratulations! Our first research article (Ruwen, Jooyong, and Blair’s work), entitled “Tuning the Structural Integrity and Mechanical Properties of Globular Protein Vesicles by Blending Crosslinkable and Non-crosslinkable Building Blocks” is accepted in Biomacromolecules.
September, 2020: We welcome a master’s student (Blair Cole) and undergraduate students (Pragati Patel and Stella Belony) to the lab!
April 15, 2020: Congrats to Ruwen for passing his qualifying exam!
March 03, 2020: Ruwen’s work on a book chapter entitled “Engineering Approaches to Create Antibacterial Surfaces on Biomedical Implants and Device” is published online! Congratulations!
January, 2020: We welcome a master’s student (Ting), and undergraduate students (Gabriella, Shannon, and Jackson) to the lab!
July 31, 2019: We made a new lab logo and had a farewell lunch for Camilo.
June 9 – July 27, 2019: The Jang Lab participates in the UF Student Science Training Program (SSTP). Welcome Steven Meikle and Alicia Tsung 🙂
October 28-November 1, 2018: Dr. Yeongseon Jang attends the AIChE meeting in Pittsburg, PA. Please find Dr. Jang if you have an interest in our research!
October 15, 2018: Welcome Clark & Ruwen to the Jang Lab!
August 1, 2018: Dr. Yeongseon Jang joins the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida as an Assistant Professor!